Teaching team:

  • Naoko Ellis, Chemical and Biological Engineering naoko.ellis@ubc.ca Naoko Ellis is a professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering with expertise in multiphase systems and chemical reaction engineering. She works on carbon capture and biomass to energy projects and is a senior research director for the Carbon Capture and Conversion Institute. Naoko is excited to work with this strong multidisciplinary team of expertise across campus bringing a new opportunity and conversations through the course and public lectures. When not on campus, you can find her rock climbing in Squamish and cycling to Sooke.
  • Kathryn Harrison, Political Science Kathryn.Harrison@ubc.ca
  • Simon Donner, Geography simon.donner@ubc.ca
  • Loch Brown, Geography loch.brown@geog.ubc.ca
  • Milind Kandlikar, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability mkandlikar@ires.ubc.ca
  • Sumeet Gulati, Land and Food Systems sumeet.gulati@ubc.ca
  • Werner Antweiler, Sauder School of Business werner.antweiler@ubc.ca
  • Carol McAusland, Land and Food Systems carol.mcausland@ubc.ca

Prof. McAusland, Land and Food Systems

Prof. McAusland, Land and Food Systems


Prof. Ellis, Chemical and Biological Engineering


Prof. Donner, Geography

Research team:

  • Susan Nesbit, Civil Engineering nesbit@mail.ubc.ca
  • Tamar Milne, Sauder School of Business tamar.milne@sauder.ubc.ca